Mirena's Uses

Author: Daniel Legal

How Does Mirena Work?

Mirena is a intrauterine contraceptive that prevents pregnancy by releasing small amounts of levonorgestrel, a progestin hormone directly into your uterus. It works by reducing the lining of the uterus and thickening cervical mucus which prevents sperm from passing through the cervix. Mirena is placed by your healthcare professional and checked periodically for proper placement. Mirena is not for everyone and you should consult your healthcare professional about possible complications and risks associated with using Mirena. Women whom are pregnant, have a current infection, or have pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) should not use Mirena. Further information about these and other possible complications and risks can be found at

When will a generic be available for Mirena?

There is currently no generic version of Mirena. A generic for Mirena is possible after 2015 when the patent for Mirena expires.

How do I use Mirena?

Mirena is inserted by a medical professional and does not require any upkeep by you. Your doctor will perform a medical exam to check you for possible complications that could prevent use of Mirena. You will be asked to return a few weeks after placement and then yearly to check the Mirena is in its proper place. One Mirena can stay in place for up to 5 years unless you choose to remove it.

How to buy a generic for Mirena?

There is currently no generic version of Mirena.

How Can I buy Mirena online?

Mirena can be purchased for a low price from http://www.thedrugcompany.com/product/mirena.

How to save money on Mirena?

You can save money on Mirena by visiting the price list at http://www.thedrugcompany.com/birth_control/mirena.

Does Mirena Help with Birth Control?

Yes. Mirena is an option chosen by many women to prevent pregnancy. If you choose to become pregnant within the five years of Mirena's effective usage, you can visit your doctor and have the IUC removed.

Is Mirena the same as Levonorgestrel?

Yes, Levonorgestrel is the hormone used in Mirena to prevent pregnancy. Levonorgestrel is the same hormone used in some birth control pills.

Where can I get information on how to use Mirena?

Extensive information about how to use Mirena can be found at http://www.thedrugcompany.com/birth_control. This information can help you decide if Mirena is right for you.

How many people are taking Mirena?

Mirena is a popular alternative to conventional methods of birth control. Due to Mirena's ease of use millions of women around the world are turning to Mirena as a number one choice for birth control.
Is cheap Mirena available in countries other than the US?

Yes. Through www.thedrugcompany.com, you can find several pharmacy vendors that offer Mirena for inexpensive prices.

You can find more information and purchase information about Mirena at http://www.thedrugcompany.com/

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/medicine-articles/mirena039s-uses-2244994.html

About the Author

Cheap Mirena Prices at a great price by visiting The Drug Company. The Drug Company Cheap Drugs Online has over 20,000+ products for which can be shipped directly to any door in the United States; give them a try today!

How To Choose A Contraceptive Right For You

By Julian Sagan

There are a lot of contraceptives available today and choosing the right one is quite a difficult task. There are many variables to take into account such as when you're planning to have children, if at all, if you have any allergies or conditions that could cause unwanted side effects, how often you have sex, how many sexual partners you have and so on.

Many women just go with the most popular choice of birth control pills without even looking into their side effects or not even knowing that there's a contraceptive that would work much better in their particular circumstances. Therefore it is important to know what kinds of contraceptives exist today and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

If you are not planning on ever having kids in the future the most effective methods of contraception would be vasectomy and female sterilization.

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure which prevents the sperm from being released and mixed up with semen when a man ejaculates. During vasectomy the vas deferens is sealed on each of the testicles, which is the narrow tube that connects the testicles to the urethra through which the sperm flows out during the ejaculation. By doing so the sperm does not mix with the semen but instead is broken down and reabsorbed by the body and hence the female egg can not be fertilized.

This procedure does not notably affect the volume, appearance, smell or any other characteristics of the ejaculation. Most men feel a little sore afterwards. In some rare cases there can be bleeding, pain and high temperature. If you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. You can have sex when you feel like it, which could be as soon as just several hours after the operation, but you should still be using other means of contraception for a while since there could be some left-over sperm in the tubes leading to the penis. You should keep in mind that once you have a vasectomy you are most likely never going to have kids again. There is a procedure that can be done to reverse vasectomy, but its success rate is very low.

Female sterilization is a surgical procedure which involves sealing or cutting the fallopian tubes, connecting ovaries and uterus, hence making it very hard for the eggs to reach the sperm and become fertilized. Although it is extremely hard for the eggs to pass through, it is not completely impossible. The success rate of sterilization is about 99%, so there is still a 1 in 200 chance of getting pregnant. If you do get pregnant the chance of it being an ectopic pregnancy, where the egg is implanted outside the womb, is very high, so it is important to see your doctor right away due to the high risk of such pregnancies being fatal.

Sterilization doesn't have any long-term health side effects, it does not affect your sex drive or interfere with your hormone levels and periods. You may experience some slight bleeding and pain right after the sterilization is performed, but unless it gets worse there is nothing to be concerned about. You can have sex as soon as it feels comfortable, but you should use other means of contraception until you get your first period to avoid getting pregnant.

The next way of contraception is a birth control pill. It is an oral tablet that contains the synthetic version of two hormones - progesterone and estrogen. At the beginning of a menstrual cycle the levels of estrogen rise, and the uterus starts to get ready for a fertilized egg by thickening its lining called endometrium. About 14 days into the menstrual cycle the estrogen level peaks and the ovulation occurs, which is the release of an egg by one of the ovaries. After ovulation takes place, progesterone level begins to rise, which continues to prepare the uterus for a fertilized egg for about 7 more days.

If the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium the conception occurs. If it doesn't occur, the level of both hormones drops, signaling to the thickened endometrium that it can shed and this is how the menstruation begins. The principle on which all birth control pills work is keeping a constant level of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Without the rise of these hormones the ovary does not get signaled to release an egg and hence there is no possibility of getting pregnant.

There are two types of birth control pills based on what hormones they contain and in what amount: progestin-only pills and combination pills.

Progestin-only pills contain no estrogen. This type of pill does three things. First of all, it makes the body think that you are pregnant thus preventing the ovulation. Secondly, it changes your uterus in such a way that if an egg is still released the pregnancy is much less likely to happen. And finally, it thickens the mucus between the uterus and vagina making it hard for the sperm to pass through and reach an egg.

Due to the lack of estrogen, progestin-only pills are perfect for breastfeeding mothers, since estrogen can worsen the quantity and quality of milk, it is also not associated with risks of heart disease or blood clots, therefore this type of pills is usually recommended for women over 35, women who smoke, overweight or have history of high blood pressure. You may have irregular bleeding patterns once you start taking the progestin-only pill. You may also find yourself feeling hungry more often, which goes away once you are off the pill. This type of pill works most efficient if taken at the same time every day, otherwise if you take it later than 3 hours from your usual time an additional contraceptive should be used for the following 48 hours.

The second type of birth control pills, combination pills, are the most commonly used ones, and as their title suggests contain both estrogen and progestin hormones. Combination pills can be monophasic or multiphasic based on whether the level of hormones stays the same or changes during the first 3 weeks of a menstrual cycle. Monophasic pills contain the same amount of progesterone and estrogen in the first 21 pills with either 7 more placebo pills containing no hormones at all to keep the woman in the habit of taking pills every day, or they can come in a 21-day pack without any pills for the remaining 7 days.

During these last 7 days the menstruation takes place. The newest generation of combination pills Yaz 28 and Loestrin 24 Fe come in 24-day packs, which means that there are 24 active pills and the menstruation only lasts 4 days. Also there are pills like Seasonale that contain 84 active pills followed by 1 week of placebo pills, which means that you will get you period every 3 months. Multiphasic pills contain a different amount of progesterone and estrogen in each pill and have to be taken at specific times. These pills were designed to reduce the side effects of monophasic pills and usually tend to have a lower dosage of hormones per each pill pack following a female body's cycle more accurately.

There are also continuous use pills which come in packs of 28 pills and have to be taken continuously without any breaks, which means that you will not get a regular period, although you still might get some occasional spotting. Among the advantages of combination pills are decreased menstrual blood loss, less severe premenstrual symptoms, more regular menstrual cycles, and reduced risks of ovarian or endometrial cancers. The possible side effects could include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and spotting. In some very rare cases combination pills might lead to hypertension or blood clots.

Statistically the next most effective contraception method is a contraceptive injection. These shots deliver synthetic hormones to your body via an injection, usually into your buttock. The shot keeps you unable to get pregnant for a considerable amount of time ranging from 2 months to a full year. There are currently 3 different types of shots: Depo-Provera, which is the most commonly used progestin-only shot that protects you for 12 weeks, Noristerat, which is also a progestin-only shot that provides protection for 8 weeks, and Lunelle, which contains 2 hormones, progesterone and estrogen, and protects you for 30 days.

The contraceptive shots work the same way as the pills do - they stop you from ovulating, thicken the mucus in your cervix therefore making it very hard for the sperm to pass through, and thin the lining of the uterus making it hard for the egg to attach. The advantage of a contraceptive shot is that once you get it you don't have to worry about anything for a considerable amount of time, when compared to having to remember to take a pill every day at a certain time. You can also have spontaneous sex without having to worry about getting a condom or inserting something first. Among the most common side effects of contraceptive shots are heavy, prolonged and irregular periods, headaches, weakness, dizziness, considerable weight gain and delayed return of fertility after the term of the shot.

The next contraceptive method is an intrauterine device (IUD). It is a small object inserted through the cervix into your uterus that protects you from getting pregnant for up to 10 years. IUDs are usually inserted during your period when the cervix is slightly open and you are less likely to get pregnant, although it can be done at any time. The procedure takes 5-15 minutes and you might feel slight cramping afterwards. IUD is effective immediately after the insertion. It can be removed at any time, although if removed around the time of your ovulation there is a chance of getting pregnant if you had a recent intercourse.

There are two types of IUDs - copper-based such as Paragard and hormonal such as Mirena. Both of these types of IUDs work in the same way by interfering with the movement of the sperm and not allowing it to fertilize the egg. The hormonal IUDs also prevent ovulation and thicken the cervical mucus preventing the sperm from entering the uterus by releasing progesterone. If you get a vaginal infection while using an IUD there is a high risk of developing a serious pelvic infection, which can lead to loss of fertility. For this reason IUDs are not recommended to women who have multiple partners since their risk of getting an infection is higher. With time IUD can become embedded in the uterus walls, which does not interfere with its contraceptive function but poses a risk of surgery to remove it or becoming sterile.

If you become pregnant while using IUD you should get it removed since it can cause miscarriage, premature birth or ectopic pregnancy, which is usually fatal. Both copper and hormonal IUDs can lead to longer, heavier and more painful periods, although it is less common with hormonal IUDs. Mirena IUDs can cause ovarian cysts, which typically disappear. The advantage of IUDs is that you can have spontaneous sex, they are long-lasting and reversible at any time, they are effective immediately after being inserted and require no daily attention.

The next contraceptive method is condoms. There are two types of condoms - male and female. Male condoms are much more popular than female ones, although they are equally effective (around 98%). Male condoms are thin sheaths made of latex or polyurethane for those who are allergic to latex, which are placed on the penis once it's erect to trap the sperm when a man climaxes. The effectiveness of male condoms depends on the person using them.

If the condom is handled gently to prevent ripping and no lubricants that can make holes in latex condoms are used, male condoms are a very safe method of contraception. Female condoms are thin sheaths of polyurethane with one closed end that goes into the top of vagina before intercourse. Since female condoms are made out of polyurethane they are not likely to be damaged by any lubricants or cause allergies. Just like with male condoms, the effectiveness of female condoms depends on the person using them.

Provided that the condom is correctly inserted into vagina and the man doesn't go outside of it, female condoms are a very effective contraceptive. One of the greatest advantages of condoms is that they protect from sexually transmitted diseases. They are cheap, available without prescription, do not affect fertility and have no side effects that other contraceptives have. Their biggest disadvantage for a lot of people is the fact that putting on a condom can be a mood-breaker or a disruption of spontaneous sex.

Another method of contraception is contraceptive caps. There are two types of them - the diaphragm and the cervical cap. Diaphragm is a thin rubber dome with a flexible rim that is inserted into vagina and sits over the cervix held in place by vaginal muscles. Diaphragms have spermicide that kills sperm thus preventing fertilization. A cervical cap is much smaller. You have to put it directly onto the cervix to provide a barrier to the sperm. It is used with spermicidal creams that kill the sperm. Cervical caps are not used as often as diaphragms, they are usually used by women who can't keep a diaphragm in due to their vagina's unusual shape.

Both diaphragms and cervical caps should be left in place for 8 hours after intercourse. They both are prescription only and should be fitted by a doctor. If your weight fluctuates more than 10 pounds they should be refitted. The advantage of diaphragms and cervical caps is that you can still have somewhat spontaneous sex, you just have to make sure to insert the diaphragm 2 hours before or even earlier for a cervical cap. If sex doesn't happen it is safe to keep the diaphragm or cervical cap in for up to 30 hours. If you use the diaphragm while you are on your period there is usually no sign of it and you can still keep having sex as usual.

Diaphragms and cervical caps are easy to carry around, they do not affect your menstrual cycle or fertility. The disadvantage of contraceptive caps is they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, they have to be fitted by a doctor and might require to be refitted, some women can have allergic reactions to rubber. Diaphragms may increase the risk of bladder infections. Women who have toxic shock syndrome should use a different type of contraception.

Now that you know about all the available options, next time you plan on having sex make sure to choose the contraceptive that best suits your situation instead of using the one that all your friends use or the one that's most advertised on television. Pick the contraceptive specific to your needs and enjoy your sex life to the fullest without having to worry about your protection!

Julian Sagan is the CEO and owner of a Healthy Penis Enlargement company at http://www.xlhealthypenis.com/ Dedicated to providing factual information about various penis enlargement methods available on the market today. Copyright 2007 Julian Sagan of Healthy Penis Enlargement. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julian_Sagan

Yeast Infection and Mirena - Frequent Yeast Infection, Fishy Smell White Discharge Reported Using Mirena

Author: chrishtopher lee

ynm2.jpgYeast Infection and Mirena - Frequent Yeast Infection, Fishy Smell White Discharge Reported Using Mirena

When you probably read the side effects on Mirena usage, you probably may not cared about them a lot. Because of its most hyped advantages like no more menstural cycles after a year, and you can have it implanted and forget abt that (But believe me, the side effects it gives will remind you about Mirena everyday) After using for about 5 to 6 months the real effects of using it, starts.

Prior to discussing the complexity linking the chances of contracting Candida yeast infections with Mirena Usage, we'll take a brief glance at the initial reasons for the yeast infection. Does Mirena Usage make a woman's body even more at risk concerning yeast infections? The truth is that Candida infection is thrice as possible during Mirena Usage compared to other situations.

Yeast infection in the vagina is characterized by thick, white vaginal discharge with the appearance of cottage cheese and discomfort while having sex. Almost three-quarters of women in western nations will be afflicted by this kind of infection once in their lifetime and many of them will have to continue enduring chronic Candida infections. As a matter of fact, Candidiasis, or yeast infection, is a fungal infection appearing locally or systemically with particular impact on women in western countries. The most frequent kind of yeast infection is vaginal infection of which the typical symptoms include a burning feeling and itching
especially around the vaginal area.

I never had vaginal yeast infections prior to Mirena usage, but I started having all of these symptoms just about an year after Mirena usage. I even noticed that my skin around the vagina cracks sometimes and it was quite painful.

Well I used Fluconazole every few days, applied Monistat creams tube after tube but they were of no use. The yeast infection kept recurring. Sometimes I used to apply plain yogurt that probably helped a bit, but not completely.

I was deperately searching for ways to get rid of my recurring candida yeast infection completely and permanently. Removing Mirena was not the option I liked, in spite of all these side effects...I dislike taking hormonal pills or using birth control patches..which had even more side effects.

Then a few weeks before one of my friend's friend recommended "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. The 150 page Yeast Infection No More by Linda Allen ebook is a 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that permanently eliminates the ROOT cause of vaginal yeast infection. It is a unique 5 step guide to eliminate yeast infection naturally and permanently.

The author of the book, Linda is a researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of one's life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects.
The conventional prescription drugs for yeast infection are all temporary and ineffective. And the reason for this is simple - they treat only the symptoms, but do nothing about the root cause of the problem.
With Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More, you'll learn.

The proven 5 step multi-dimensional Yeast Infection No more Anti Candida Success System:
  • The shocking truth about conventional Yeast Infection treatments and the medication trap and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever..
  • The top ten worst foods you should never eat
  • The top ten best anti-yeast foods you should eat all the time
  • A simple and shockingly easy 12 hour treatment to eliminate the on the surface symptoms of yeast infection that works almost like magic
  • The most powerful external anti-yeast secret weapon the candida and drug industries hope you will never find out!
  • Fast Action Vaginal Yeast Infection remedies that can eliminate Vaginal rash, redness and itching almost Instantly!
  • The Exact TIMING of when to take your anti-fungal supplements. This is crucial to your success and yet so many nutritionists and naturopaths fail to address this important issue!
  • Diagnosis of Candida Yeast Syndrome: Discover EXACTLY How Is Candida Diagnosed using CSDA, Live Cell Microscopy, Antigen Levels, Immune Assays and The Symptom Score Questionnaire
  • The 12-Hour Yeast Infection Relief Treatment For Male Yeast Infection Including POWERFUL All Natural Herbal Washes
  • Unique External Treatments For Mouth Yeast Infection and Nail Yeast Infection That Work In As Little As 2 Days
  • Classic cheap and simple over the counter that can dramatically speed up the healing process and banish inflammation
  • The Importance of the Alkaline Acid Balance and Food Allergens In The Battle Against Yeast Infections
  • Dozens of Immune Supporters and Suppressors- Adhere To These Guidelines Or You'll Never Get Rid Of Your Yeast Infections
  • A SUPER Easy Method To Cleanse Heavy Metals- This process is crucial to your success yet so simple it will surprise you
  • The one secret 100% natural hormonal balancing supplement that you should always take on a daily basis which alone is guaranteed to make dramatic impact on your Yeast Infection condition sometimes in a matter of days!
  • The cardinal sin of Yeast Infection treatment almost everyone is guilty of, which instead of curing your Yeast Infection weakens and destroys your body's natural ability to defend itself, thus putting your health in serious risk and making your Yeast Infection worse in the long run (and almost everybody's doing it!)
  • A simple test you can do at home to know the exact severity of your Candida infection. (You'll know the answer in less than 15 minutes)
  • The 4 most important nutritional foundations to an effective anti-yeast program (ignore these and you'll never get rid of your Yeast Infection)
  • The importance of Probiotics and prebiotics in the treatment of candida yeast infection. Why most probiotics do not work, what works much better than Yogurt and exactly what you need to eat to complement the friendly bacteria.
  • Several of the best-kept anti-candida supplements that almost NOBODY know...compiled by a 7 year study
  • Finally the complete and honest answer as to why you have Yeast Infection and why some people always seem to make their Yeast Infection worse and how you can GUARANTEE to stop it permanently
  • The amazing connection between physical activity and Yeast Infection and why, when, where and how you can start 'exercising' your way to Yeast Infection free life today!
  • The 2 breathing strategies that make a significant effect over your body to start heal itself , normalize hormonal production and help your body fight candida.
  • Why no special diet, anti-fungals or detox program will ever cure your Yeast Infection
  • Why you'll never get the whole truth about drugs, creams and Yeast Infection from almost any doctor (Even if they wanted to tell you, this is why they CAN'T!)
  • The importance of the acid-alkaline balance, how to optimize your delicate internal ph, feel much healthier and ward off Candida yeast infection forever.
  • Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate Yeast Infection) dramatically!
  • ynm2.jpgHow to prevent the reoccurrence of Candida yeast infection, Chronic lack of energy, depression, allergies, parasites and bacteria and how they are all connected. How to tackle the root cause of candida infection, keeping your internal organs in optimum condition and eliminate all of these afflictions forever.
  • Why Yeast Infection is a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your system and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn from it and do about it.
  • The simple, cheap yet deadly effective method of getting rid of internal system blockage and allowing your body to strengthen, heal and fortify itself.
  • The most potent and controversial method of rebuilding your main organs of elimination and its effect on your yeast infection condition. (this important step alone has done wonders to thousands of Yeast Infection sufferers faster than they ever thought possible and is also crucial for preventing recurring yeast infection)
  • The truth about parasites and Yeast Infection and how you can eliminate these harmful creatures using a simple proven 7-day routine.
  • The CRUCIAL link between insomnia, stress and Yeast Infection and exactly what you should do to significantly control or completely eliminate these afflictions from your life.
  • The disturbing connection between an unbalanced body and Yeast Infection and what you can do to bring your body back into balance quickly.
  • How to Prevent Yeast Infections And Maintain A Candida Infection Free Environment And much much more...
I followed her simple easy to follow 5 step method, and within the first 2 days...I felt a huge difference...no more burning and itching down there....and now it has been more than 3 months I never got back my usual recurring infections.
So my suggestion to all those who suffer from recurring yeast infection (Mirena Usage), try the 5 step method on Yeast Infection No More by Linda Allen, and you will never ever have to buy anymore Fluconazole and Monistat tubes!

Visit Yeastinfectionnomore.com for more information and advice!

Mirena Side Effects Are Destroying Relationships

Article by: Clare London

I know many women have the Mirena Coil and are perfectly ok with it. But be warned, it’s not compatible with all women and the Mirena side effects can be devastating.

I had the coil fitted because I fell pregnant while on the pill and we had an unplanned pregnancy. It wasn’t a problem as we had planned to have another child but not quite yet. Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to change to something more reliable and I had the Mirena Coil fitted.

After the horrible process of having the coil fitted everything seemed fine; it took about four months for my periods to stop but it wasn’t uncomfortable and didn’t give me any problems. All appeared to be great, no periods, no mood swings and (here’s the bombshell) no libido and no energy.

I started getting tired more easily, often falling asleep during the day, which isn’t funny when you have three children under six years old to watch over. I started needing early nights and very much to my husband’s disappointment, not the kind of early nights we used to have before Mirena. I needed so much more sleep.

My husband and I had always had a great sex life up until I had the coil fitted. We had been together eight years and our sex life was better than ever until I had the Mirena Coil fitted. Obviously like every other parent having children changed our sex life a little but not a great deal. Just where and when changed but we still enjoyed a very active sex life until Mirena.

I visited the Doctor and she told me she had never heard of any problems with libido and suggested a blood test to check hormone levels, iron and thyroid glands. These all came back negative so she suggested HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). I was 34 years old. This of course was very depressing as my mother wasn’t on HRT and she was 54. I sat down with my husband and we discussed what to do.

My husband who was very supportive and understanding was convinced it was the Mirena Coil and I began to agree. So I had the offending item removed and went back on the pill. It took a few weeks for my body to get back to normal but it did and we are back to early nights for exercise rather than sleep.

In my opinion, it is ridiculous to suggest to a woman under forty that they should take HRT when blood tests show no problem and more than a little bit worrying. Do the medical companies have such a hold on our health services that we are given products that harm us so that we can be given more products to correct the side effects of the former?

How many couples have split over this? How many marriages have been put under huge strain due to the Mirena side effects that according to Medical Experts are in your head?
I haven’t listed all the Mirena side effects here because there are so many. You can find them on the internet easy enough. But if you are thinking of having or have had the Mirena Coil fitted please do some research and don’t let your Doctor tell you there aren’t any Mirena side effects, because the internet is littered with stories like mine. Let me know if you have had similar problems with Mirena side effects on my here; I would love to hear your story and it helps other people that have had similar issues.

For FREE relationship advice CLICK HERE!

Does the Mirena IUD eliminate the need for endometrial resection in women with menorrhagia? (Pro & Con).: An article from: Family Practice News

Contraceptive options give teens more choices. (Ring, Patch, Injectable, IUD).: An article from: Pediatric News

New Levonorgestrel IUD Can Be Used for 5 Years.: An article from: Family Practice News

Endometriosis and Mirena Is it the Right Treatment for You?

By Shelley Ross

What is Mirena? It is a form of contraception and a type of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device, commonly known as IUD's or coils. Mirena is made up of light plastic, and is in the form of a T-shape. It is properly fitted and inserted into the womb by a doctor. It remains in place for a certain amount of time, and is then removed and a fresh Mirena coil is inserted.

How does Mirena work? As far as the benefits linked between controlling endometriosis and mirena treatment are concerned, mirena makes the bleeding during a menstrual cycle lighter than normal. This is achieved through the hormone levonorgestrel located on the mirena coil. Although Levonorgesterel is an ingredient also found in birth control pills, there is a much smaller dose in mirena.

Furthermore, levonorgesterel in mirena is distributed directly to the womb lining, which means there are no progesterone-like effects that can occur when the hormone travels through the blood stream as is the case with oral contraceptives.

What are the benefits? Studies have found that most women with endometriosis and mirena treatment have experienced the following benefits:

o Reduced dysmenorrhea (pain before and during menses)

o Reduced dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse)

o Reduces the risk of developing endometrial cancer

The reduction in pain is likely from limited blood loss during menses, which is due to the fact that blood can not build up because levonorgesterel prevents the womb from building up a lining.

Are there any negative side effects? Some people believe that endometriosis and mirena treatment is not a good match, due to the fact that it does increase the risk of developing benign, fluid filled ovarian cysts. Although not cancerous, these cysts can be quite painful when they break and lead to other complications.

Some other negative side effects that have been reported include:

o Change in menses (IE. Prolonged, frequent or heavy bleeding, spotting, irregular periods, painful periods, or no period at all)

o Weight gain

o Headache or migraine

o Moodiness

o Depression

o Nervousness

o Back pain

o Breast pain

o Vaginal discharge

o Acne

o Hair loss or growth

o Inflamed cervix

o Loss of libido

o Abdominal bloating

o Etc.

Remember, if you are taking mirena and experience any of the above symptoms or those not listed, contact your doctor or pharmacist right away.

Is mirena right for me? To help you decide if your symptoms of endometriosis and mirena treatment might be compatible, the following is information regarding women with health conditions who shouldn't use this treatment:

o History or severe headaches or migraine

o Past, current, or suspected cases of cancer, especially those stimulated by sex hormones, as well as cervical cancer, liver cancer, and leukemia.

o History of ovarian cysts

o Risk of heart disease

o Angina

o Hypertension

o Diabetes

o Epilepsy


o Past or current case of blood clots, or a blood disorder that increases the risk of blood clots

o Post-menopausal women who have shrunken wombs

o Pregnant women

o Uterine fibroids

o Infection in the uterus

o Etc.

If you have endometriosis and mirena treatment interests you, make sure you consult your health care provider for more information, and to find out if mirena is for you.

Shelley Ross also writes a free newsletter which if full of natural tips and methods to relieve Endo symptoms. Sign for for your free copy here: Free Endometriosis Newsletter http://www.treatendometriosis.com/?source=ez.

To find out more about endometriosis diagnosis http://www.treatendometriosis.com/endometriosis.html?source=ez and for information on endometriosis characteristics please visit Treat Endometriosis http://treatendometriosis.com/blog/2007/02/01/endometriosis-outside-the-uterus/?source=blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shelley_Ross
