Does Your IUD Feel Funny?

Here is an excellent question about the intrauterine device, Mirena. (Just in case you are not familiar with Mirena, it is a form of contraceptive that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It releases the hormone called levonorgestrel and does not contain any estrogen. It can safely stay in the uterus for up to 5 years!)

Patient: I have recently had my second Mirena inserted and have noticed that at times it seems I am able to feel the placement of the Mirena. I do not remember having this feeling with my first Mirena (but then again I may just not remember). Should I be concerned with this feeling?

Me: Yes, you should definitely be concerned because you should never be able to feel the placement of the Mirena.

If you do feel the placement of the Mirena, there is a good chance that the device was not put in correctly to begin with or it may have become dislodged. If you feel something is not right with your Mirena, you should call the doctor as soon as you can - a misplaced or dislodged Mirena will not prevent pregnancy like it's suppose to. In the meantime, you should use a backup form of birth control (that does not contain hormones) until your doctor gives you further instructions.

If the doctor decides you should have the device removed, they will replace the old Mirena with a new one. An old Mirena will never be reinserted!

The only time you should ever be able to feel the Mirena device is when you check to see if it's still where it's suppose to be (A good time to check for it is after every period). When you do the checking procedure, you should feel the removal threads at the top of your vagina.

First, you will wash your hands with soap and water. Then, with your clean fingers, feel for the threads at the top of your vagina. DO NOT pull on the threads - this can pull the Mirena out of place! If you feel more than just the threads, you will have to call your doctor because this means the Mirena is not in the right position. If you can't feel the threads at all, make an appointment to have your doctor check to see if the Mirena is still there and in the correct spot.

You know what you can do if you can't find the answers you're looking for? Call the manufacturer of Mirena, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals - I called them to confirm the information I just gave you! They are an excellent resource to use, especially when you can't find the information you are seeking on the internet or elsewhere.

Hey there, my name is Cate Sibley, and along with my good friend Nova, I run a site called I am a licensed pharmacist trying to share my knowledge and offer help to those with questions relating to their medications and health - something I have a hard time doing while at the pharmacy due to lack of time and privacy. Come to my site and I will be sure to give you what you need. In return, you will be giving me the opportunity I've been looking for with my pharmacy career -the chance to help you and others in a private and hassle-free manner.
One of the most common Mirena Coil side effects is yeast infection. Have you read this? "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of Candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website