What is Candida Yeast Infection?

By Ispas Marin

The Candida yeast infection is a pathogenic fungus. You should know this fungus exists all around us; it can be found on skins, in the gut, mouth or any other mucus membranes. These fungi turn into infectious factors when antibiotics or other factors cause an overgrowth of these fungi. Don't worry too much, it is good to know that most candida infections don't spread throughout the entire body; they limit their activity to the infected mucus areas.

But disseminated Candida infections of internal organs are much more dangerous as they occur mostly to persons whose immune systems have been seriously damaged by other diseases like cancer or AIDS. This much more serious infection is being caused by the presence of Candida fungi in the blood and it can even present danger to the patient's life. These two kinds of Candida infections can be treated with similar medicines but they are both very difficult to cure.

You should know that the multiplication of yeast fungi is the cause for the Candida yeast infection. Things are simple: the amount of other microorganisms is reduced and the Candida fungi are replacing them, causing the infection. Detergent can cause skin rashes by destroying the skin microflora. Taking antibiotics can cause Candida vaginitis as antibiotics kill the microflora inside the vagina. Antibiotics also cause GI tract Candida.
The gastrointestinal tract has a permanent population of microorganisms who are friendly, 'good' bacteria which activity is vital for GI health and resistance to infections.

If you are wondering how can some bacteria help our immune system, well, here is your answer. The GI tract microflora is using some mechanisms to protect the organ. It is covering the surface of the mucosa and it's stopping other bad bacteria to gather on it. It is constantly stimulating the immune system to fight against infections. These bacteria are eating all the food available for bacteria, therefore leaving the bad bacteria to starve to death. And they are also keeping a low level of pH which is not allowing the development of other microorganisms.

Antibiotics have a negative impact on this microflora. They are temporarily reducing the number of the microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal area and allow bad bacteria to grow in that area. Laboratory tests have shown that antibiotic treatment have determined the Candida yeast bacteria to colonize and penetrate the mucosa of the intestine.

In conclusion always pay attention to the amount of antibiotics you are taking. The best thing for you would be to take antibiotic treatment only on doctor's prescription. And remember that antibiotics aren't the only cause for the occurance of Candida yeast infection. Detergents or even scented products for intimate use may cause this infection. Therefore, try to pay attention to your bathing products and choose a low pH one. And always keep your body clean and dry!

Candida is a common disease of our days. If you are looking for good information on candida yeast infection and candida treatment advice join us.

One of the most common Mirena Coil side effects is yeast infection. Have you read this? "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of Candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website YeastInfectionNoMore.com